Planning our first meet up for the 50 Over 50 Project. Suggestions welcome :)
6+ y ago
Tue Nov 13 2018
I'm curious about your process and format. How far along are you? Are there going to be talks/presenters and have you figured out location? I'm asking because I thought about creating Meetups as well.
6+ y ago
Wed Nov 14 2018
Starting small with a plan to increase invitees once I’ve established the level of interest and who my market is.. I’m thinking small space, accessible by transit, an hour long venue and time to network before and afterwards.
A couple options I’ll be exploring will be public spaces and companies interested in co-hosting, such as WeWork. This is unchartered territory for me,but very exciting. I’m surprised at the level of interest so far and the overwhelming support. Stay Tuned!
6+ y ago
Sat Nov 17 2018
That's awesome Angela! Please keep us posted on how this goes and when you get your first Meetups set up.